lap up

英 [læp ʌp] 美 [læp ʌp]

(动物)舔饮; 轻信; 照单全收; 欣然接受


  1. 不管是什么节目,他们的观众都照单全收。 → see: Their audience will lap up whatever they throw at them...


  1. Their audience will lap up whatever they throw at them
  2. He lapped up the attention and the opportunity to voice his thoughts
  3. They just haven't been to school before. They're so eager to learn, they lap it up.
  4. These clever students lap up all the information that I can give them.
  5. It lagged behind because of its lame lap, so from time to time the lad waited for it to catch up with him.
  6. A moment later, you are on a plane ( if it is a small plane, you are most likely sitting on your instructor's lap), then up above the extraordinary New Zealand landscapes.
  7. She sat in my mother's lap constantly, where I used to sit, and seemed to take up all her care and time.
  8. I slipped from my mother's lap and almost ran toward them. The impulse gone, I fell down and cried for her to take me up in her arms.
  9. Usually, what you wish for doesn't fall in your lap; it falls somewhere nearby, and you have to recognize it, stand up, and put in the time and work it takes to get to it.
  10. Marlowe: She tried to sit in my lap while I was standing up.
  11. Chloe opens her book and pats her lap for Buster to jump up.
  12. Ursula laid her embroidery in her lap and looked up, her face was calm and considerate.
  13. The fox could easily lap up the soup, but the stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it.
  14. I was able to go through all the phases and my last lap during qualifying was very good and I ended up in third position.
  15. Waves lap the shore incessantly, and thoughts swing with rhymes, surging up and ebbing away.
  16. Every child has a soul which yearns, and carries a longing on his lap and goes to sleep with it, hoping to find that his dream come true when he wakes up with the morn.
  17. He tells her all those lie and she just lap them up.
  18. Lap it up, you hungry son of a bitch.
  19. "Thanks for taking care of me," she whispered as she climbed into my lap and snuggled up against me.
  20. She wanted to know more and clutched the flowers on her lap, held them straight up, like a schoolgirl coming back from an outing.
  21. Do not lap up your soup, children, it is not polite.
  22. The LA Lakers guard attracted a huge crowd to this coaching clinic, with hundreds of kids eager to lap up all that he had to say.
  23. Stein had a bad start to the race, but by the ninth lap she was up with the leaders.
  24. Her Highness commands Han Meng-hsiang to lap up the wine in her hair!
  25. Do one easy lap to warm up your tires. Pit, turn off the bike& check for leaks or any safety problems.
  26. And I saw a tiny fawn lying on the ground, obviously suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion, lift its head with great effort to lap up the water cupped in my beautiful boy's hand.
  27. I actually went to the boxes a lap early and ended up overtaking Button, Glock and Webber and my pace was good.
  28. Lap up sunshine, knowledge, company.
  29. Open Vehicle Routing Problem ( OVRP) and Location Allocation Problem ( LAP) were considered synthetically herein. A mathematic model about Open Location Routing Problem ( OLRP) had been built up.



  1. take up with the tongue
    1. The cat lapped up the milk
    2. the cub licked the milk from its mother's breast

    Synonym:    laplick